Tuesday, August 20, 2013

تقبيل اليد

بسم الله

المفردات اليوم : تَقْبِيْلُ الْيَدِّ
EN: Hand-kissing
MY: Salam cium tangan

From todays al-arabiaya http://english.alarabiya.net/en/life-style/2013/08/20/Kissing-the-hand-a-controversial-practice-in-Saudi-Arabia-.html it seems that this practice is not well accepted in Saudi. In Malaysia this is an act of respect..almost must do thing if you are shaking hands with elderly. In some cases/places in Malaysia, if you don't do this you are seen as a rude towards the elderly

I found this fatwa from the net regarding this issue :-
يستحب تقبيل أيدي الصالحين وفضلاء العلماء ويكره تقبيل يد غيرهم ، ولا يقبل يد أمرد حسنٍ بحال .انتهى من كتاب فتاوى الإمام النووي ص 71
It is mustahabb to kiss the hands of righteous people and the greatest scholars, and it is makrooh to kiss the hand of anyone else. The hand of the beardless man should not be kissed under any circumstances,
(From Fatawa al-Imaam al-Nawawi, p. 71)

Berikut adalah terjemahan melayu dari saya:-
Dibenarkan untuk cium tangan-tangan orang-orang soleh dan ulamak-ulamak besar فُضَلاء dan makhruh cium tangan yang selainya. Tidak boleh cium tangan "orang yang tidak berjanggut" ( أَمْرَدٌ ) dalam apa hal sekali pun . 
Ini dari kitab Fatwa-fatwa Iman An-nawawi mukasurat 71 

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