Thursday, November 10, 2016

Juha and his shoes :)

ذهب يوما جحا إلى المسجد وبعد الصلاة يخرج من المسجد ولم يجد حذاءه
One day Juha when to the masjid and after solat he could not find his shoes

فيَصْرُخُ بصوت عال مُهَدِّداً على الناس فقال: أحضِرْ لي حذاءي فَوْراً وإلا سوف أفعل مثل ما فعله أبي..
So he screaming loudly, threatening the people and said: Bring me my shoes immediately. Otherwise I will do like what my father did

فخاف الإمام من أن يحدث في المسجد شيء مكروه

The imam fear that something which he don't like will happen in the masjid

فتسرع إلى مكبر الصوت وطلب من السارق أن يسلم حذاء جحا فوراً..
So he ran towards the microphone and demanded from the thief to return Juha's shoes immediately

فخاف السارق فأرجع حذاء جحا وفرح الإمام بذلك..
So the theif became scared thus returned Juha's shoes and the Imam was happy of that

فسأل الإمام جحا ماذا فعل أبوك إن لم يردّ حذاؤه.. فقال: رجع ماشياً على رجليه..
The Imam ask " What did your father do when his shoes was not returned?" Then Juha said "He returned home bare footed"

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