Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What is the difference between Arabic grammar and morphology?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أم بعد

رب زدني علما وإخوتي

ما فرق بين علم النحو والصرف؟
What is the difference between Arabic grammar and morphology?

I'm going to quote from this book:-

Arabic Grammar or Nahu or النَحْوُ
النحو علم بأصول يغرف بها أحوال الكلمات العربية من جهة الإعراب والبناء. والإعراب هو رفع الكلمة ونصبها وخفضها وجزمها، فإذا لم تكن الكلمة معربة سميت مبنية فتلزم حالة واحدة كأمس والآن.
Nahu is the science of knowing the condition of an Arabic words in its I'rab and its constructions. And the I'rab is when the end of the word received the diatrical marks such as Kasrah, Fathah, Dommah and Sukoon. If the word can't be I'rab ( a word that can recieved I'rab is called Mua'rrab) you can call it Mabni/Mabniyah. So it is fixed at one form like أمس and الآن

ِAbu Rayyan: In other words Nahu deals with the usage of a word in a sentences. The vowel signs at the end of the word show the clue of it's usage. For example

ضَرَبَ زيدٌ عباساََ
Zaid hit Abbas. We know Zaid is the doer because of the ٌ  vowel sign. We know Abbas is the victim because of the ً  vowel sign

Arabic Morphology or Sorof or الصََّرْفُ
 الصرفُ، ومعناه التغيير والتحويل، علم يعرف به بنية الكلمة لغرض معنوي أولفظي. فالمعنوي كتثية المفرد وجمعه. واللفظي كتحويل قَوَلَ إلى قال ورَمَيَ إلى رَمي.
Sorof its meaning is the change and the transformation. A science of letting know the construction of a word with the purpose of its meaning and its form. So the meaning part is like the change of singular and plural. The form part is like the transformation of the word قَوَلَ to قَالَ and the word رَمَيَ to رَمَى

Abu Rayyan: Please refer here for my example of Sorof

الله أعلم

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