Thursday, June 25, 2015

The subject and the predicate

قال سيجنا الأستاذ بهار الدين حفظه الله:-

المُبْتَدَأٌ والخَبَرٌ
 The Subject and The Predicate

المُعَلِّمُ كَرِيْمٌ
The teacher ( male ) is generous

المُعَلِّمَةُ كَرِيْمَةٌ
The teacher (female) is generous

الطَالِبُ يَدْرُسُ الحِسَابَ
The student ( male ) is learning the math

الطَالِبَةُ تَدْرُسُ الحِسَابَ
The student ( female ) is learning the math

المُعَلِّمُ عِلْمُهُ وَاسِعٌ
The teacher ( male ) his knowledge is broad

المُعَلِّمَةُ عِلْمُهَا وَاسِعٌ
The teacher ( female ) her knowledge is broad

القَلَمُ عَلَى المَكْتَبِ
The pen is on the table

السَّيَّارَةُ أَمَامَ المَدْرَسَةِ
The car is in front of the school

The explanation

الجملة الإسمية هي جملة تبدأ بالاسم . 
Jumlah Ismiyyah or the nominal sentence  starts the sentance with Ismun or noun

الاسم الذي في أول الجملة يسمى بالمبتدأ.
The Ismun which is at the beginning of the sentence is called Mubtadak or the subject

المبتدأ يكون اسم المعرفة.
The Mubtadak must be from the Ismul Makrifah or the definite noun

Friday, June 12, 2015

Who is Suhaib Ar-Rumi R.A part 2?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله. أما بعد

بارك الله لي ولكم

Thus circa 20 years before the prophet-hood, Sinaan bin Malik Al-Numairi was in charge of Al-Uballah, he is close to Kisra the king of Persia

He love one baby over all of his kids, his age not more the 5 years old, he is called Suhaib

Suhaib was fair, redheaded, very active, bold eye and very smart kid

He was cheerful and a pleasant character. He gave joy to his dad. These conditions was snatch from him suddenly..

To be continue.. إن شاء الله

المساجة لأخي "bulanje" : كان أو كانت للكلمة "أسوة"؟

سؤالي إلى شيخنا الدكتور ف. عبد الرحيم حفظه الله:-
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله يا شيخنا الكريم
لماذا كلمة “أسوة” في القرآن هي اسم كان ل”كان” و”كانت”. هي تجوز بهما؟
سورة الممتحنة آية 4
قَدْ كَانَتْ لَكُمْ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ فِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَ
6 سورة الممتحنة آية
لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِيهِمْ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ

الجواب :-
from Admin
السلام عليكم
كلاهـما جائز كما جاء في كتاب شيخـنا التالي:
المسعِف في لغة وإعراب سورة يوسف
انظر: ص 31-32

أرسِل لك قُصاصة من هذه الصفحات بالـبريد الشبكي.
أضاف الشيخ الآن ما يأتي:

يمكن أن نضيف أن الفاصل بينهما في الآية الرابعة كلمة واحدة.
.أما الآية السادسة فالفاصل بينهما كلمتان، ومن ثَمَّ كان التذكير فيها أولى من التأنيث.

ف عبد الرحيم


من أين الكلمة "أيوه"؟

قال شيخنا الدكتور ف. عبد الرحيم حفظه الله الكلمة "أيوه" من مركب "إي وربي" أو "إي والله". ولكنها بغير لفظ الجلالة. انظر الآتية
Dr V. Abdul Raheem ( May Allah safe-keep him ) said that "Aiwa" is from the compound of "E wa Rabbi" or "E wallahi" but without the "Allah" word. See the following

ما معنى "إي" ؟
What is the meaning of "إي" ?
إي : is the particle of answer with the meaning of Yes
It's is located in front of Al-Qasam ( the particle of oath/swear ) . For example see surah Yunus verse 53

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Who is Suhaib Ar-Rumi R.A part 1?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه أخمعين. أما بعد

اللهم إني أسألك علما نافعا 

Suhaib Ar-Rumi

( The business is profitable Oh Abu Yahya... The business is profitable) [ Said Muhammad Rasullullah S.A.W to Suhaib Al-Rumi]

Suhaib Ar-Rumi...
Who is among us - muslim community - don't know Suhaib Ar-Rumi? And not familiar with his story and quoting from his biography?

But a lot of us don't know that Suhaib is not a Roman ( white/Aryan). He is a real Arab. His dad is from the clan of Numairi and his mom is from the clan of Tamimi

He does not related to Romans . His story still fresh mention in the history, told in his adventures

To be continue

What is the difference between Arabic grammar and morphology?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أم بعد

رب زدني علما وإخوتي

ما فرق بين علم النحو والصرف؟
What is the difference between Arabic grammar and morphology?

I'm going to quote from this book:-

Arabic Grammar or Nahu or النَحْوُ
النحو علم بأصول يغرف بها أحوال الكلمات العربية من جهة الإعراب والبناء. والإعراب هو رفع الكلمة ونصبها وخفضها وجزمها، فإذا لم تكن الكلمة معربة سميت مبنية فتلزم حالة واحدة كأمس والآن.
Nahu is the science of knowing the condition of an Arabic words in its I'rab and its constructions. And the I'rab is when the end of the word received the diatrical marks such as Kasrah, Fathah, Dommah and Sukoon. If the word can't be I'rab ( a word that can recieved I'rab is called Mua'rrab) you can call it Mabni/Mabniyah. So it is fixed at one form like أمس and الآن

ِAbu Rayyan: In other words Nahu deals with the usage of a word in a sentences. The vowel signs at the end of the word show the clue of it's usage. For example

ضَرَبَ زيدٌ عباساََ
Zaid hit Abbas. We know Zaid is the doer because of the ٌ  vowel sign. We know Abbas is the victim because of the ً  vowel sign

Arabic Morphology or Sorof or الصََّرْفُ
 الصرفُ، ومعناه التغيير والتحويل، علم يعرف به بنية الكلمة لغرض معنوي أولفظي. فالمعنوي كتثية المفرد وجمعه. واللفظي كتحويل قَوَلَ إلى قال ورَمَيَ إلى رَمي.
Sorof its meaning is the change and the transformation. A science of letting know the construction of a word with the purpose of its meaning and its form. So the meaning part is like the change of singular and plural. The form part is like the transformation of the word قَوَلَ to قَالَ and the word رَمَيَ to رَمَى

Abu Rayyan: Please refer here for my example of Sorof

الله أعلم

Arabic Morphology 101

بسم  الله الرحمن الرحميم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله. أما بعد
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful. Alhamdulillah and Solat and Salam to Rasul of Allah

بارك الله لي وكم في هذا الدرس صرف اللغة العربية
May Allah bless me and all of you in this lesson of Arabic Morphology

What is Arabic Morphology in Arabic?

What is it?
 عِلْمٌ يُغْرِفُ بِهِ تَغْيِيْرُ بُنْيَةِ الكَلِمَة
A science of knowing the morphing of construction of a word. Basically to know how a word "transform" to another word which will change its meaning and look-alike. For example how to know to construct the word  مَكْتَبٌ ( desk or office ) from the word كَتَبَ ( he wrote ). 

What is its benefit ?
ًمَعْرِفَةُ أَصْلِ الكَلِمَةِ مَعْناً ولَفْظا
To know the root of a word; it's meaning and it's form.

One of it usage is to find the mean of an Arabic word in a classical dictionary. This is because these kind of dictionaries sort the words by their root words. For example if you want to look out the meaning of مَكْتَبٌ you won't find this under م . This is place under ك  because the root word of مكتب is كتب

الله أعلم
Allah knows best